What you need to know about school registration
To register to attend a DoDEA School the following age requirements must be met.
A child must be:
- four years old by September 1 to attend Prekindergarten (PK) or Sure Start.
- five years old by September 1 to enroll in kindergarten.
- six years old by September 1 to attend first grade.
Overseas and Domestic School Eligibility
DoDEA eligibility & enrollment policies differ for DoDEA's two types of schools: Domestic Schools and Overseas.
Registering for a DoDEA School using DSIS
DoDEA Student Information System (DSIS) online registration is currently available for families registering in schools serviced by Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). DSIS online registration reduces manual forms and makes it easy for parents to register their child for school.
DoDEA parents are also required to annually re-register their student(s). Schools will notify parents when it is time to re-register their students. During this process, parents will be able to update contact information, update Sponsor’s employment status, and indicate whether their student will return for the upcoming school year.
Universal Prekindergarten: As a condition of enrollment, all universal prekindergarten students are required to participate in the Student Meal Program, and sponsors are responsible for any daily costs associated with meals. (This does not apply to Sure Start, half-day prekindergarten, and preschool students receiving special education services who are not enrolled in universal prekindergarten.)
DoDEA recommends completing the online registration process using a desktop or laptop computer. The online registration process may not work on a mobile device.
Please use the link below to log into the DSIS Family Portal to register or re-register your student
Login to Family Portal
The official website for DoDEA's student registration and school communication is the DoDEA Student Information System (DSIS) at At present, DoDEA is not associated with any other third-party vendors or applications for these services.
If you already have a DoDEA Family Portal Account.
- Click on the Login to Family Portal button
- Log in with your username & password.
- Once logged in, read the Announcement to get started.
- Click the initiate button in the “New Student Registration” box to complete the DoDEA registration process.

If you Do Not have a DoDEA Family Portal Account.
- Click on the Login to Family Portal button.
- Click "Request an account" ONLY if you are registering a student(s) in DoDEA. If you have students currently in DoDEA, you already have a DoDEA Family Portal account.
- Select "I am a parent/guardian registering my child online".
- Follow the prompts to complete account setup.
- Log in and read the Announcement to get started.
Requirements to Attend a DoDEA School Overseas
Overseas Department of Defense Schools, DoDEA Europe and DoDEA Pacific and Cuba
Eligibility to attend DoDEA Europe or DoDEA Pacific schools is outlined in Section 921-932 title 20 U.S.C. and DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1344.01, Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements for DoDEA Schools.
The Department of Defense Dependents Schools (Pacific and Europe) and Cuba was established to provide high quality education for authorized dependents of DoD personnel assigned overseas, and to provide enrollment on a space-available, tuition-paying basis for others identified and prioritized by the Secretary of Defense
Enrollment Categories
Qualified dependents are authorized to enroll in one of four enrollment categories based on the request of the sponsor. Dependents in enrollment category 1 receive first priority, all others are enrolled on a space-available basis in priority of category of enrollment.
Revalidation of the student's registration for the next school year starts in the spring.
- If the sponsor's DEROS/PRD has expired by September 1, extension orders (IPCOT, R.A.T., Command Letter) are required.
- If the sponsor's DEROS/PRD is indefinite, proof of continued overseas assignment is required.
- If the sponsor is a locally hired DoD civilian, current year certification of employment from the servicing HRO and a copy of notification of personnel action (DA 3434 and SF 50) is required.
Transfer and Withdrawal
Parents or legal guardians must fill out a Withdrawal/Records Request form at least two weeks prior to the student's last day of attendance. If the student is leaving within twenty days of the semester, PCS orders must be submitted to the school. If the student is withdrawing due to Early Return of Dependents, a letter from the sponsor's command must be submitted.
Documentation of Proof of Eligibility - Overseas
Once Eligibility has been established you will need to submit the necessary documentation for proof of Eligibility.
New Students
New students registering for enrollment in DoDEA Europe, DoDEA Pacifc, and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba schools overseas are required to provide verification of the following:
- Date of Birth
- Dependent Status
- Active Duty Status of Military Sponsor or Employment Status of Civilian Sponsor
- Status of Defense Contractor Sponsor and Central Billing Letter
- Status of non-DoD sponsor (other Federal Agencies)
Returning Students
Returning students in DoDEA Europe, DoDEA Pacifc, and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba schools overseas must provide verification of the following each school year:
- Active Duty Status of Military Sponsor or Employment Status of Civilian Sponsor
- Status of Defense Contractor Sponsor and Central Billing Letter
- Status of non-DoD sponsor (other Federal Agencies)
Documents that may be used for verification of information
Date of Birth
- Certified copy of birth certificate
- Child's passport
Dependent Status
- Sponsor is listed as biological parent on child's birth certificate
- Dependent is listed on active duty military sponsor's/DoD civilian's orders
- Locally-hired DoD civilians - Certificate of Employment from HR listing names of dependents
- Sponsor is named on child's military identification card (ID)
- Appropriate military service form documenting that the Service recognizes the child as a dependent of this member
- Approved (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System) DEERS registration form
- Dependent is listed on defense contractor's Letter of Identification (LOI) or Letter of Agreement (LOA) and in Central Billing Letter (CBL)
- If the sponsor is a step-parent, and one of the above cannot be provided, the following is required:
- Child's birth certificate documenting sponsor's spouse is biological parent
- Custody documents indicating spouse has full custody of child
- Marriage certificate of sponsor and child's biological parent
- If neither the sponsor nor spouse are the biological parents of the child, court ordered custody or guardianship documents are required (power of attorney or notarized agreements between biological parents and sponsor are NOT accepted). Note: If court order names only the spouse as guardian or custodian of the child, the sponsor will be required to complete and sign an in loco parentis affidavit (available from the school registrar).
Active Duty Status of Military Sponsor
- Current orders Permanent Change of Station Orders (PCS) (normally 3 years duration at most locations)
- Sponsor's active duty identification card (copy of picture side will be retained in the file)
- Letter from sponsor's command certifying active duty status
- Current deployment orders
Employment Status of Civilian Sponsor
- Initial Registration - PCS orders
- Local Hires - Current Notification of Personnel Action (SF 50/or NAFI Equivalent) and
- Letter from Servicing personnel officer verifying full-time employment and verifying dependents
Employment Status and Certification of Non-DoD Civilian Sponsors and Dependents
- Sponsor's employing agency must certify that the sponsor occupies a position that is subject by policy and practice to transfer AND must certify that the agency will reimburse the DoD for the educational services provided to the dependent
- Initial Registration - PCS orders
Employment Status of Defense Contractor Sponsor
- Letter of Identification (LOI) or Letter of Agreement (LOA) NOTE: Official travel of defense contractor authorizing dependent education subject to availability on a tuition-paying basis. The LOI/LOA must identify the organization contract number, length of the contract, and names of dependents.
Verification of Housing
- Housing assignment letter, voucher, or RCI lease agreement (each installation may have specific requirements, please check with registrar).
Note: This list is not all inclusive and is subject to modification without notice based on regulatory changes. It is always advisable to check with the registrar at the school or district office prior to registration for the most current, as well as local, requirements. Local districts and schools may require additional documents be submitted during the registration process. Most DoDEA schools list the additional required documents on their websites.
Early Withdrawal - Overseas/U.S. Territories
Moving to Another Location?
While we hate to see you go, we would like to help make your transition as easy as possible.
- Please complete the Student Withdrawal / Records Release Form and return to the Student Services Department.
- Be sure to speak with your counselor so they can coordinate with the new school if necessary (especially with Juniors and Seniors). Give as much advance notice as possible.
Withdrawals and Transfers
Upon receiving final notification of your departure from the community, please inform us at least two weeks prior to your actual departure. This notification is needed to prepare your child's report card, transcript (if applicable), attendance records, and other documents. No progress marks are given in any quarter unless the child has attended school for 20 days during that quarter. In the final quarter, no recommendation for grade placement can be given unless the child attends school for 20 days in that quarter.
Elementary school withdrawal is different than higher grades regarding requirements and is based on the 20-day rule. With ten days prior notification, parents are welcome to pick up student records from the office on the last day of student attendance, after 2:30 p.m. The sponsor/spouse must sign for records, provide a copy of orders, and present an I.D. to receive the child's school records.
It is DoDEA policy that copies of student records are sealed and given to parents to be hand carried to their next school. Official (original) records will be sealed and mailed upon request by the receiving school. Parents who would like a copy of their child's records for their personal files must personally request an extra set of records to be made when filling out the withdrawal form. We cannot make personal copies without advance notice. It is a requirement to clear all debts (replacement or payment for lost or damaged books, library fines, cafeteria debts, etc.) BEFORE the last day of attendance.
DoDEA Accelerated Withdrawal Policy
Excerpt from policy: The policy therefore requires that students present verification of the date of their sponsor's departure, i.e., Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or other official orders, to school officials in order to receive consideration for full academic credit. Students who withdraw prior to the 20-day limit receive a "withdrawal" grade rather than a final grade. At the elementary school level, administrators may annotate the child's progress report to indicate the student's status.
Speak with a school counselor to request Accelerated withdrawal.
Enrollment Contacts (Pacific)
If you have additional questions regarding eligibility and/or registration for the DoDEA Pacific schools please contact either:
DoDEA Pacific - East District:
Local: 225-3940
From the U.S.: 011-81-3117-55-3940
DoDEA Pacific - South District:
Local: 634-1204
From the U.S.: 011-81-6117-34-1204
DoDEA Pacific - West District:
Local: 738-5922
From the U.S.: 011-82-2-7918-5922
The DoDEA Regional Office Eligibility Coordinator
DoDEA Pacific Coordinator: From U.S.: 011-81-98-953-5878 - DSN: (315) 652-5878
Information for PCSing Families
Transferring to a DoDEA School
Sponsors of students transferring to a DoDEA school are required to provide verification of active-duty status, and proof of on-post residency for DoDEA schools in the United States or housing agreement for DoDEA schools overseas, before a child may be registered. Preschool, Prekindergarten (PK), and Kindergarten require a certified birth certificate or unexpired passport before registration can be accepted. Read more about Eligibility, Age Requirements, and Registration
Tips for PCSing with a school age child
- Notify the current school of your move and give them the address of the gaining school if you know it.
- Keep the address of the current school to give to your child's new school so they can formally request copies of your child's records.
- Find out when school starts and arrange any summer vacation around the start date. Note information at the bottom of the District Calendar regarding "Early Promotion Date".
- Keep your child informed about what you find out about the new school and any activities offered.
- Talk to your child about any concerns he/she has about the new school, required courses, extra-curricular activities, making new friends and keeping in touch with old friends.
- Hand carry the following paperwork: immunization records, copy of last report card, IEP (if your child has one), birth certificate, social security card, any custody paperwork and the receiving school will request official school records from previous enrollment.
- Register your student as soon as you determine the school, he/she will attend.
- Keep all paperwork away from the household goods! Put them in their own folder or envelope in a suitcase or bag you are hand carrying. Some people put the items they hand carry in a locked room or closet, in their car, or at a neighbor's home so the movers don't accidentally pack them.
- Create a student portfolio-Important for middle and high school students. Has your child volunteered for activities at school, etc.? Ask for a letter of recommendation from the activity advisor. Has your student participated in JROTC or sports? Ask for a letter from the coach or teacher. Keep these to give to the new school in place of tryouts if possible or use for college admission and scholarship applications. Better to get the letters while the teachers still remember your child and the accomplishments they have made, than to wait until graduation and trying to get applications together to send.
Checklist for Inbound and Outbound Families
Inbound Checklist
- Updated Immunization record with flu shot within the calendar year of enrollment.
- Birth Certificate - original or certified copy (or non-expired passport).
- Official Original Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Orders for the applicable military installation.
- Copy of the lease AGREEMENT/housing documentation, first page only with dependents listed (different from acknowledgement)
- Any IEP/504/medical records that pertain to the child attending school must be brought in to be copied and kept on file.
- For Prekindergarten (PK) enrollment, child must be 4 years old on or before September 1 of the enrolling year; for Kindergarten enrollment, child must be 5 years old on or before September 1 of the enrolling year; and for First grade enrolment, child must be 6 years old on or before September 1 of the enrolling year.
- If active-duty sponsor is a stepparent to the child, please provide a copy of the marriage certificate and the military ID of the spouse.
Outbound Checklist
- Complete a withdrawal worksheet at least two weeks (but no more than a month) prior to withdrawal/disenrollment. The school registrar must be notified of the withdrawal/disenrollment.
- Copy of the sponsor’s new PCS or EAS orders.
- Clear all debts: Return library books and settle cafeteria accounts.
- ALL OCONUS PCS should request physical records from the school. If PCS is within the United States, the records request signed by the parent/guardian should be made by the next school if other than DoDEA school the child is going to attend.
Required Forms
Regardless of registration type (new or returning) you will have to physically visit your corresponding's registrar's office (generally located at your child's school) to complete the process.
To maximize your time, we highly recommend you fill out the required and recommended registration documents, and bring the required documentation prior to your visit.
New Students
The following forms are required:
- DoDEA Form 600 - Student Registration
- DoDEA 700 Worksheet - Consents and Authorizations
- DoDEA 700A Worksheet - Internet Agreement and Consent to Use IT Resources
- DoDEA Form H.1 Student Health History
- DoDEA 2942.0-M-F3 - Immunization Requirements
- DoDEA 620 - Educational Pre-Screening Questionnaire
- DoDEA F4 - ESL Home Language Questionnaire
The following documents are recommended:
Returning Students
- DoDEA 700 Worksheet - Consents and Authorizations
- DoDEA Form H.1 Student Health History
- DoDEA 700A Internet Agreement
Transferring Students
- DoDEA Form 600 - Student Registration
- DoDEA F4 - ESL Home Language Questionnaire
- DoDEA 620 - Educational Pre-Screening Questionnaire
- DoDEA 700 Worksheet - Consents and Authorizations
- DoDEA 700A Worksheet - Internet Agreement and Consent to Use IT Resources
- DoDEA 1002 - Request for Student School Records
Conditional Enrollment Contacts (Pacific)
Pacific Enrollment Contacts
If you have additional questions regarding eligibility and/or registration for the DoDEA Pacific schools please contact either:
DoDEA Pacific - East District:
Local: 225-3940
From the U.S.: 011-81-3117-55-3940
DoDEA Pacific - South District:
Local: 634-1204
From the U.S.: 011-81-6117-34-1204
DoDEA Pacific - West District:
Local: 738-5922
From the U.S.: 011-82-2-7918-5922
The DoDEA Regional Office Eligibility Coordinator
DoDEA Pacific Coordinator: From U.S.: 011-81-98-953-5878 - DSN: (315) 652-5878
Registrar, Pacific West District
DSN: 315-755-1169, Dialing from U.S.: +82 503-355-1168